Success Stories

Simplifying healthcare administration at Legevakt Aker

Many healthcare providers aim to put the patient at the centre. With patient administration solutions, Legevakt Aker has turned words into action.

Focusing on medical care

Legevakt Aker uses Convene’s solutions for payment and patient administration. Dr Umer Sheikh describes a busy emergency clinic, handling over 52,000 consultations annually. Patients are prioritised based on the severity of their condition, and during peak times, waiting times can be long.  

– “In a busy workday, it’s crucial that we focus on medical care,” says Sheikh.

Better overview and more self-service

Traditionally, billing and debt collection took up a significant amount of time at Legevakt Aker. Astri Olsen from the Finance Department at Helseetaten reflects on how things used to be:

“There was a lot of manual work with invoicing. Doctors often found it difficult to see who had paid. We wanted better oversight and more self-service,” says Olsen. 

More time for those who need it most

Legevakt Aker’s partnership with Convene began in 2015 with the introduction of a T1 terminal. Dr Sheikh highlights the most significant improvement:

“We’ve freed up time at reception, so staff can focus more on patients who need personal assistance,” he explains.

In the Finance Department, self-service invoicing has been a game-changer:

“We no longer need to send invoices on behalf of the doctors. Invoicing has completely disappeared as a task,” says Olsen.  

En mann står ved en selvbetjeningsterminal og trykker på skjermen for registrering. I bakgrunnen sitter en kvinne og en eldre mann på en grå sofa, i samtale. Rommet har hvite vegger, grønne planter og et bord med magasiner, som skaper en moderne og avslappet atmosfære.

User-friendliness comes first

The payment terminal was developed in collaboration with the Norwegian Association for the Blind, ensuring universal accessibility and ease of use.

Using high-contrast visuals and voice guidance, the terminal is designed to meet the needs of all user groups.

“We were looking for a solution that all patients could use intuitively. The most important feature was support for cash payments,” says Olsen.  

A simpler day-to-day operation 

Beyond streamlining payments and invoicing, Convene handles the entire debt collection process for Legevakt Aker, ensuring comprehensive follow-up of outstanding invoices.

“Patients pay independently, invoices are sent automatically, and following up is easier. Everything has become incredibly simple. And if we or our patients have any questions, we just call Convene,” says Olsen. 

Satisfied with Convene

By simplifying patient administration, doctors can spend more time treating patients—a change that Legevakt Aker’s medical staff greatly appreciate. 

ConvenePay Mobilbetaling

“There’s always room for improvement, but I’m very satisfied with Convene. The financial side of my job has become much easier. Daily bookkeeping is no longer something I even think about,” concludes Sheikh. 

The challenge and the solution

Administrative tasks in healthcare settings are often time-consuming and distract from medical care. Convene provides a solution that simplifies the entire patient journey.

Through self-service check-in, payments, invoicing, and debt collection, staff can focus on what truly matters—treating patients.  

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