Flexible gift card solution tailored to your brand

Give your customers a better shopping experience with a gift card solution available via self-service terminal, online store, or direct in-store sales.

With a gift card solution, your customers can purchase gift cards in a simple and intuitive way – anytime, anywhere. Customers can buy gift cards through a self-service terminal, your website, or at the checkout.

Nærbilde av en hånd som holder et grønt kort med "Hallarna-logoen", med en selvbetjent kiosk i bakgrunnen.
Convene - Gavekort

Our gift card solutions are cost-effective and easy to manage. The terminal is modern, universally designed, and customisable to fit seamlessly into your retail environment.

  • Universally accessible for all users
  • Custom branding and marketing options on the screen
  • QR scanner for mobile vouchers, promotions, and balance checks
  • Full monitoring via an app, including card status, envelopes, and receipt roll levels

Let your customers purchase gift cards directly from their mobile phone, tablet, or PC. Giftcardweb is a secure, fast, and eco-friendly solution that eliminates administrative hassle.  

  • Market your gift cards on your website
  • Customise with your own branding
  • No manual administration for your business
  • Secure digital distribution via email
Person bruker en laptop for å kjøpe et gavekort på en nettbasert plattform, Giftcardweb.
City Örebro

Gavekortkiosken lever opp til forventningene

Vi vurderte andre leverandører, men valgte å fortsette samarbeidet, siden det har fungert strålende og kiosken oppfyller våre behov. Hvorfor bytte noe som fungerer bra?

Supporten er også god. Vi har alltid hatt god kontakt med de ansatte og får rask hjelp hvis noe ikke fungerer eller vi har spørsmål.

Mattias Lesnik
Markeds- og gavekortansvarlig

Provide flexibility for customers who prefer to buy gift cards in-store. 

  • Handle large corporate orders with pre-loaded gift cards
  • Reduce waiting times with both self-service and staffed checkout options
  • Offer personalised service for customers buying gift cards in-store
  • Drive upselling opportunities with special offers and promotions at checkout
Butikkansatt bruker en laptop ved disken i en stilren butikk med hyller fylt med sko, vesker og tilbehør.


Turn gift cards into a strategic sales channel that increases loyalty, attracts customers, and maximises revenue.


Convene offers efficient payment solutions that provide control and flexibility.

Indoor terminal

Make self-service simple and accessible with terminals for all types of indoor environments.